From Journal Into Print

Journaling for Publication

by Claudia N. Tynes

While sitting on a wooden plank bench located on the edge of the pier, I gazed in awe at the calm waters of the Chesapeake Bay surrounding me. With my legs crossed and my spiritual journal propped on my lap, I grabbed my purple pen and scribbled “My Dear Heavenly Father...” on the ruled page.

Journaling has been a vital part of my life for over 17 years. My personal definition of journaling is looking into the window of my soul and writing what I see. Journal writing also means writing from your heart. It’s a time of introspection and rejuvenation for me, and it’s symbolic to breathing. First, we inhale the fresh air through our prayers, thoughts, dreams, goals, triumphs, and fears. When we exhale through journaling, our minds are renewed and refreshed like a breath of cool fresh air.

Have you ever considered journaling? Perhaps you are a beginner or avid journaler, but the mere thought of sharing your writings is horrific. If you can identify with either description, this article “From Journal Into Print” was written especially for you. Did you know that your journals are excellent resources for future writing projects? The writings you pen in your journals today can be springboards for future writing projects for magazine articles, devotionals, fillers, speeches, poetry, and even books too.

Now let’s go back in time to the biblical era. Think with me for a moment. Did you know that the Psalmist David was a journaler? His prayers, thoughts, and psalms were written during this era, yet today they are still excellent resources for encouragement, edification, and comfort. Some of my favorite Psalms are: Psalm 34, Psalm 37, Psalm 51, Psalm 91 and Psalm 139. Daniel, another biblical character, recorded his dreams (Daniel 7:1). The Book of Daniel chronicled how God used Daniel mightily because he had understanding in all visions and dreams. Just think, if his visions and dreams were not recorded, we would not have this rich heritage as examples for us to use and glean from line upon line, and precept upon precept.

For many years, my journals were strictly “confidential” and “for my eyes only”...until October 1998. Let’s say this was an “aha” moment for me. During this time, I attended the Sandy Cove Christian Communicators’ Conference where I heard Clint Kelly’s keynote address on “Writing in the Danger Zone.” He summed up his address with the statement “Don’t be afraid to give your writing away.” Immediately these words pricked my heart. My mind flashed back to the multiplicity of journals I kept hidden “in sworn secrecy” over the years.

When I returned home from the conference, I decided to act upon the information and instructions I had grasped. Prayerfully, I scanned my journals, one-by-one, searching for publishable ideas. Over a period of time, my search proved invaluable. From my journals, I gleaned ideas that have resulted in a number of published and unpublished projects in the forms of numerous personal experience pieces, short stories, devotionals, greeting cards and poetry. My inspirational poetry book, Nuggets of Gold, was self-published in June 1998 as a result of journaling. Two book proposals “From Journal Into Print” and a children picture book series are currently under consideration for publication with publishers. Over a year ago, the title for the book project “From Journal Into Print” popped into my mind while I was journaling on something totally unrelated. I recorded the title in my journal and approximately one week later, mental images for the conception of the book mirrored in my psyche.

I challenge you today to come and take the “From Journal Into Print” plunge with me. Start by gathering the volumes of journals you have hidden in your closets, filing cabinets, shoeboxes, or your secret hiding places. Blow off the dust that has resulted from many years of storage or concealment. Then scan them, one journal at a time, for ideas for your next project or for future writing projects. While you are scanning them, pray for godly wisdom and guidance on the substance you are to glean and publish. Your hidden treasures are buried somewhere on the tattered and scribbled pages of your journals. They are waiting on you to discover them, to breathe life into them so that others can see arid live.

Your writings can and will encourage, edify, and exhort others too. Just maybe the words of conference speaker Clint Kelly will prick your heart too. I challenge you to take your own personal journey of journaling for publication, and remember. “Do not be afraid to give your writing away.

© 2002 Claudia N. Tynes


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